Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Detailed Review of the Instant Office Cleaning Kit

Of all the business opportunities that I have looked at lately one has stood out above all the others. The office cleaning business is particularly attractive as it offers low startup costs, good profit potential and excellent growth prospects.

To get started in the office cleaning business like any other you need to have access to information. Luckily there are a number of experts who have written guides on the subject to help newcomers get started.

This is a review of the Instant Office Cleaning Kit by Sam Rodman. We reviewed this guide last year and after taking another look I wanted to add a few more things. Click the link see our previous Instant Office Cleaning Kit Review.

So who is Sam Rodman? He is a cleaning business owner from Florida who has managed his own operation since 1992. His story is fascinating and it is worth reading his webpage for inspiration and to learn what is possible in this business.

What is included in his startup guide? Well the contents of this course include information on everything from getting started, getting business without advertising and how to finish cleaning jobs fast to maximize profit. Basically all of the information that you need to get started and develop a profitable business is included.

Some business guides tend to focus on either the practical side or the business side. This product gets the balance right with details on routine cleaning, worker efficiency and equipment usage. Business administration and marketing are also covered thoroughly.

If I had to point to one factor that makes this product special I would have to say that it is the sample cleaning agreement that is included. Rodman, and his friend attribute a large part of their success to this unique contract and the clauses contained within it.

As well as an e-book and a sample cleaning agreement this product comes with some other bonuses and these are listed on the site.

The site also includes a page dedicated to checks. Rodman has scanned a number of checks from his regular clients that pay every two weeks or monthly and he displays these as inspiration.

I highly recommend the Instant Office Cleaning Kit to you as one of the best guides of its type available on the Internet.

Click here to learn more